If you have Unity Explorer,you can locate the tk2dSpriteAnimation in Inspector and use (((tk2dSpriteAnimation)CurrentTarget,)) to dump it by using Unity Explorer console.Press F4 and all sprites in the animations you chose will be dumped into the Steam/steamapps/common/Hollow Knight/hollow_knight_Data/Managed/Mods/GODump/Sprites folder in.Delete the animations you don't want from the resulting pipe-separated ('|') string and save it (Get the animation name from step 3).Press F2 and atlases will be generated in Steam/steamapps/common/Hollow Knight/hollow_knight_Data/Managed/Mods/GODump/Atlases.The naming convention of an atlas is Press F3 and will be updated with a new string of animations in the current scene.Start the game and a file in your Hollow Knight saves directory will be generated (delete before you start if you're updating from an older version).Extract the zip to Steam/steamapps/common/Hollow Knight/hollow_knight_Data/Managed/Mods/GODump.Download the latest release of GODump from GitHub.Installation instructions are in the ReadMe. Install the latest release of the Modding API for Hollow Knight from GitHub.Check the 'Installed' checkbox next to 'Game Object Dump' from the mod list.The modding API will automatically be installed. Download the Scarab mod installer for Hollow Knight 1.5.Makes it easier to customize textures in the game. Dump game objects in Hollow Knight into individual sprites and audio clips.